Thursday, 18 October 2012

Man ! i am never going to be able to learn her language . 

I know in and out about you , i can blindly accept you .All those things you say  before you start to date a girl seriously is completely not true because you can only guess how many compromises you have to make after you have  plunged into serious relationship . If i set an example . If you reply to them you are not listening to them .If you listen to them attentively and not speak anything  .You are confronted with the question -why don't you  listen to me /what are you thinking . Followed by grumpy attitude the whole time afterwards if you cannot answer this utterly surprising question. Here is the cool thing -even if you have managed to scratch last bit of Witt out of your  brain and answer it,you can never come with an answer which can award you a nice hug or an appreciative kiss on your check.Even Eliensten  could not -i am sure . That is why he has 2 wife(my assumption , don't let your imagination go wild . It is scary sometimes.)

Though  we have to make lots of compromises  in our relationship We never get tried of each other .There have not been a second which has passed by without thinking of her .My soul is her abode and fulfilling her happiness is the only thing programmed to my brain 

BTW - I will always be in awe for her ability to make me feel guilty ALL THE TIME . 

Time :2.30 ist.

Venue : my room .

Mood : tried .

Date: 19/10/12

Reason:for writing : met with an argument since she thought that i do not care and love her much.  


  1. ha ha
    ok dats good piece
    good going bro...
    all the best...
    shari u got a riter now and seems like now u got to read more stuffs ritten by hm... :)
